中國大陸水產進口量暴增引發巴西有關當局關注義大利新聞社(ANSA)報導,相較越南及泰國近兩年進口巴西穩健成長的水產量,中國大陸由2009年的5,900公噸至2011年(1-9月)暴增近十倍(58,300公噸)的水產進口量,引發巴西全國漁業養殖委員會(Conepe)關注。漁業養殖部(MPA)為提升國內養殖業與進口水產品的競爭力正考量有巢氏房屋實施減稅措施的可行性。在里約熱內盧、佛羅安那波里市、薩爾瓦多及雷西夫等大城的連鎖超市皆有販售進口水產品。Conepe指出,中國大陸進口的阿拉斯加明太鱈及阿根廷狗鱈最受巴西人青睞。發展、產業及外貿部報告,以量取勝的中國大陸是巴西最主要的水產供應國,進口鮭魚的智利產值則位居第一;其他在巴西市場發展不信用卡代償錯的亞洲國家當屬越南及泰國。漁業部認為巴西漁業無法與走低價策略的進口水產品競爭。巴西超市送往中國大陸的水產又以即食水產品賣回消費者。漁業部證實相關當局正在評估免徵糧食及水產稅的可行性,相當於減免全國水產量總成本四-七成。該提案將送交外貿協會(Camex)尋求農業發展部的支持。(摘譯自INFOFISH 信用卡代償Trade News, No. 23/2011,15 Dec. 2011) CONCERNS OVER SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN FISHERIES IMPORTS The National Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Conepe) is concerned about the significant increase in fish imports from China. Chinese fish imports have increased ten fold and shipments 酒店經紀from Vietnam and Thailand have also grown at a steady pace over the past two years. The Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) is currently reviewing a tax reduction applied to domestic aquaculture as a protective measure to compete with imports. Some supermarket chains in Rio de 網路行銷Janeiro, Florianopolis, Salvador and Recife are sourcing imported fish. According to sources from Conepe, polaca do Alaska (Alaska pollack) is the leading Chinese product competing with Argentinean hake, which is popular among Brazilians. Official data published by ANSA, report that 信用貸款between January and September, 2011, Brazil imported 58,300 MT fish from China from just 5,900 MT in 2009. Reports from the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade show that China is the main supplier of fish products in the country in terms of volume while Chile ranks first 賣房子in terms of value because of salmon. Other Asian countries that are advancing in the Brazilian market are Vietnam and Thailand. The Ministry of Fisheries say that fish imports are competing strongly with the Brazilian industry due to lower prices. Brazilian supermarkets are sending boxes 關鍵字行銷to China which returns with ready fish to be sold to consumers. Hence, the Ministry of Fisheries confirmed that the national government is assessing the possibility of abolishing taxes on food and on aquaculture mineral supplements, which represent between 40% and 70% of fish production 西裝外套total cost in the country. This initiative will be presented to the ministers of Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex), as a strategy to attract the support of the Ministers of Agriculture and Development.

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